I have conducted an interview with Rick Sloane click here to read it.
YES!! There is a new Vice movie out; Vice Academy part 6: Bikini Bandits. The first info I got about it is from E!online and And Liz is in it!! Rick Sloane just sent me the info...Sadly, Vice 6 will not be shown on USA network.Grrr...But the movie can be purchased from the company.the address is:
P.O. Box 480593
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Now I have to scrape together $20, but it will be worth it.
These are the best movies in the whole world.They are produced, written and directed by Rick Sloane, who did the same for some other great movies;Babewatch,Good Gorls Don't and Mind Body and Soul. They star the most beautiful actress in the world, Elizabeth Kaitan(Killer Bimbos, Virtual Encounters). Click here for more on Elizabeth.They star Jayne Hamil as the uptight Ms. Devonshire(but not in part 3).They also feature Jay Richardson as the Comissioner. I was surprised to see him in other roles, such as an airline ticket salesman in Honeymoon in Vegas, a nosy neigbor in a Publisher's Clearinghouse ad, and most recently on General Hospital.
Soon I will have summaries of each movie, along with the poster for each. For now, just look at these posters. YAY!!
Vice Academy Images
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