The Sloane Productions Top 5 Lists
Why top 5 rather than top 10? Well, there's not enough to make a whole list of know what I mean.

Top 5 Most Used People or Things
5.That Red Convertable. Used in Good Girls Don't, Vice4 and Vice5
4.Tami Bakke.She's been in quit a few features: Hobgoblins, Good Girls, Vice1,and MB&S .
3. Veronica Carothers. This actress has appeared in at least four different films:Vice3, Vice4, Good Girls, and Mind, Body ans Soul.
2.The Prison Set.The most used set ever. In Vice2,3and 4, Good Girls Don't, Mind Body and Soul.
1.Mark Richardson. While he's only appeared in Vice films, he's been in Every One!As a different character!
Go to this Cross Casting section for more on the cast.

Top 5 Sloane Phrases
5."What else could go wrong?"
4. "See you on conjugal visit day."
3."I'm not wearing any underwear."
2."He's [not] my type."
1."It's a parole violation."

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