interveiw with...
B-Movie Producer
Rick Sloane

Favorite mainstream movie:
Not sure if Hollywood Blvd. from the 70's is mainstream, but it is the
film the influneced the look of my work the most.
What toys did you play with as a kid?
I still have em now.
What TV shows did/do you watch?
I steal my best jokes from the Simpsons.
Vice Questions:
Is there a fair amount of sex in the new movie, compared to the
I always keep the nudity brief so its easy to trim for television.
Mind. Body
& Soul had more nudity and no one wanted to run the pic anyway. Vice 6
has an
s/m themed striptease at a nightclub and Liz Kaitan visits the bank
to get topless and jump all over Steve Mateo.
Besides the four obvious main characters, who will be returning to
part 6?
Vice 6 had a really high ratio of returning actors, and no recasting
for anycharacter. Liz, Raelyn, Jay and Jayne, Mark Richardson, Karen Knotts
asMavis, Honey who was Tiffany Berkowitz plays a hooker, the school
teacher who catches Liz hooking in Part 5 is a nun, Irwin is back, but not for very
much of the picture, Hank Grisham who chased Traci in 5 is now a lead, Tami
Bakke from many of my films plays a stripper, Steve Mateo from 3 & 4 is back
as Liz's love interest, the liquor store owner from 3 is a bank guard and
the hooker who Malathion beats up for her dress in 4 is a prisoner.
(Ginger makesanother reused footage apprearance as well).
Hey, Jayne Hamil( Devonshire) took her shirt off in part 2, and Jay
Richardson(Commissioner) was almost naked in Fugitive Rage. If there's
a part 7,why not put in a lusty sex scene with those two? (You can answer this
after you finish gagging.)
The joke of their relationship is that they never do it, (or that I'd
want to stage it much either). If 7 ever materizlied, which I doubt at this
time, the Commissioner's first wife was going to return, played by Tane McClure,
the councilwoman in Part 5. She was going to turn to Miss Devonshire with,
"Your new wife must be one lucky woman, does he still make love three times a
day like he used to?"
Ginger Lynn Allen, the ex-porn star, is notorious for not getting
along with other actors in your films. What has been the best cat-fight you've
witnessed, and what were the circumstances?
Ginger doesn't get along with anyone, I wonder why Traci Lords turned
her in for income tax evasion. I never witnessed anything too physical, but
Ginger went out of her way to make Darcy DeMoss (the first Samantha in Part 3)
as miserable as possible during the filming. When Darcy left the final
day of shooting, Ginger couldn't let her go without announcing, "Oh by the way
Darcy, I think you're a bitch" in front of the entire cast and crew. Darcy
came back with "At least I don't take it up the ass." It escaladed from there,
til Darcy left in tears and her then boyfriend, Wings Hauser, called
minutes later screaming at me for what happened.
It's well known that Ginger and co-star Linnea Quigley never got along
off-screen. In Vice 2, their characters seemed to get along more. Was there
any reflection of that in real life?
Not at all, they still hated each other. Much of the actual filming of
Part 2 was captured by a video crew for The Making of Vice Academy, so they
were on their best behavior with every moment being captured for later.
In Vice 1, the porno office has posters of short films you've made like
"Night of the Loving Dead". So, were those porno flicks themselves?
I've never made any porn, those were just short films I did when I was
18 and my mind was already twisted. There were more, the Clown Whores of
Hollywood, Amputee Hookers, Nightmare of the Lost Whores, the prostitute thing was
always there I guess.
Do you really think that anyone, no matter what age, would know who
the fifth Beatle was? And couldn't it have been Pete Best?
I asked Jayne Hamil who the fifth Beatle actually was right as we were
filming that scene since I wasn't certain myself who really had the title. The
joke is that so many people named themselves the fifth Beatle, some even
take as a far as calling themselves the sixth Beatle. Also, I couldn't come up
with a better gag for the scene, I always thought it sounded funny when Irwin
picked Cher when the question has muliple correct answers.
Why was Holly in jail in Vice 5 when she was released in Vice 3?
In real life, Traci Lords turned Ginger in for income tax evasion and
she had to go to jail. She was really humiliated when she was drug tested later
as part of her parole, then failed and had to go back to jail again.
Ginger and I didn't part as friends after she demanded a huge salary to return in
Vice 3, then showed up 3 hours late daily and stoned out of her mind. She
never knew any of her dialog and threw the film way over budget, laughing that I'd
never hire her again. She, still to this day, bad mouths me in every
magazine interview she does, so I can have fun at payback by using clips of her
from earlier films. I know she did get out of jail in 3, but if she can go
back in real life, why not here as well. The potshot at her in Part 6 is even
lower, she stars in a film on the Prison Channel called "I Killed Him, I Liked
it So What?"
What is the significance of Tiffany Berkowitz?
Just a funny name I made up, Honey who plays the character, went to the
same jr high school i did and we graduated together, but had lost touch for
over ten years.
I don't want to pick these movies apart, but in Vice5, after the VR
Hooker brings in thebad guys, Mavis asks Bojangles if he's seeing anybody.
Then there is an awkward pause as everyone looks confused and Treat?
"You're not talking to me, are ya?" What was that all about?
Some jokes get lost in editing. Earlier in the film, Mavis gets her
marriage proposal rejected by a convict on deathrow. Her fellow prison guard
says, its ok, we can just keep living together and keep telling everyone we're
sisters, an old excuse lesbian couples used in the 50s. When Mavis asks
Bojangles if he's single, Treat is worried that she's asking her.
Can you find the grammatical errors in these two lines from Vice
1. "A Laundromat posing as a front for prostitution!"
2. "Do you really want to live on minimum wage salary?
Actors butcher much of the dialog I write, unfortunately, these two
sound right to me. Reword them correctly so I can learn.
(Ed. note: 1. If a laundromat is POSING as a front, then it's not really a front.
I'ts just kind of like a double negative. 2.Wages are hourly pay, and salary is
getting paid the same, no matter the hours. I think)
Why did you make Irwin so stupid. In part 5,Candy asks him to the
movies, and
to go to his place, and he declines. Idiot.
Irwin is too obsessed with Traci and involved with the VR Hooker by
then. In an earlier scene, he doesn't seem interested in Candy, comparing her to
Bambi because of her innocence. When she asks him if he wants to go out to
see Bambi, it's easy for him to refuse.
Where did you find an actress as talented as Rocki Gardner? Not only
can she spin(p.4)...
Good Girls Don't questions:
...but she can wail on a blues guitar, too.
Rebecca/Rocki (See Good Girls credits for her real name) is still one of my
favorite actresses who always knew how to deliver my dialog properly.
I loved the way she scratched the record in V4, I thought of it just as we shot
the scene. She married Tina Turner's manager after V4 and moved to New
York. I begged her to return to play the lifeguard instructor in BabeWatch, but
she declined. Liz and her remained friends after the movie.
-Wasn't Liz Kaitan supposed to play the part of Jeannie? If so, what
-Why do Jeannie and Candy have the same last name?
Very perceptive, both questions have the same answer. Liz was supposed
to play the role, but had another movie the same time in Italy and had
promised to do theirs first, so I had to do a last minute recast, much like
Linnea and Jayne disappearing in Vice 3. The same last name was an inside joke to
see if people recognized it from the Vice film.
While in Cadillac Jacks, The waitress brings two plates: One with a
big fat pickle and onewith a split open baked potato. Was the blatant innuendo
You know, I never caught that. My prop guys do obscene jokes and I was
so busy trying to get a performance out of the no talent actress who
played the one line waitress that I never checked out what was on the tray.
There's a good chance the potato part wasn't intentional sexual, it was called
for in the script to go into the tailpipe of the car in the next scene.
When Betina and Jeannie first run from the police, a man driving by in
a car shouts something like "Yo, come on, man!". If that was a mistake, why
did you leave it in the final cut?
You do notice all the litle details. I was trying to add more of an
impact when Jeanie opens her bag to reveal the half million in cash to Betina.
I dubbed in the sound of a brakes screeching and someone in a passing
auto shouting at her as if she glanced at the money, got startled and
swerved into the next lane.
When Betina says: "We know what trouble those insect sprayings can
cause," was that a reference to her Malathion character?
Yes it was, it made sense since a different actress didn't have to fill
in for her like Renee Estevez (Emilio's sister) did for Liz.
Did Jeannie's boss really once eat 15 of Jack's tacos?
I don't get the joke, explain this one.
(Ed. Note: In a Jack in the Box commercial, there is a big whoopla started at
an auction about Jack's tacos. The actor who played the boss was in it and
shouts: "One time I ate fifteen!")
Will you make me a personal promise? Please, never use that detective
guy(can't remember his name) ina film again.
Hey, did you ever see me use him again? I didn't like his performance
Mind Body and Soul Questions
Mind Body and Soul….Why?
My least favorite film I ever attempted, I liked the picture Angel
Heart and was trying to imitate it. Ginger's horrid acting ruined the movie for
everyone and I lost alot of money on this one.
Other Misc. Questions
Do you like Sebadoh? Or even more appropriate do you even know who
Sebadoh is?
What would you consider to be worse, living your whole life sad and
alone and then dying? Or getting married to someone you really don't love and
spending life with them?
No answer when you have to choose between two evils. People create
their own hell and have no one else to blame for it.
Have you ever been stuck in a room with so many little minor
annoyances, that you justwanted to throw every little thing to the
floor and bash the furniture against the wall?
No, I'd have to pay for the damages.
Do you know who Gloria Pryor is?
Do you get a real big ego boost by producing movies…and directing the
people with in them?
Directing is the ultimate job for control freaks. You get to dress
people, tell them what to say, yell at everyone to shut up when they're
talking, decide what they get for lunch and be able to cut to first in the food
line. I enjoy it while I'm on set, but couldn't get away with the the rest of
the year.
Have you ever made a cameo a la Hitchcock?
Not interested in being in front of the camera, the actors are all
hired for being able to imitate my speech pattern, so my voice is coming out of
their mouths already.
I've noticed that some people don't take you or your work
seriously…does that ever bother you?
My films were never meant to be taken seriously, the budgets were
always too low. I'd be bothered more if they didn't get such high rating when
they're broadcast.
Have you ever gone on the couch with someone to put them in a film, or
for any other reason?
Haven't done it, could get in too much trouble. You can spot my type
by watching my films easily, blonde, big hair, small frame, dressed like
Do you have a job other than making movies?
I may have to soon, the money isn't what it used to be. Have worked on
several plays as well when I'm offered it.
I've written several larger budget scripts, had all the distributor
meetings,but its hard to get finacncing when you're known only for low budget.
Would like to get into directing television if I had the choice.
About what would you say is the budget for one of your films?
Like I'd really want this to be known. Let's just say if you added up
the budget of all thirteen of my features, the total would be $750,000
How could someone like me, with no formal film training, get started
in the film industry?
Hard to say, I started at this in the 80's when the video cassette
market was huge for low budget films, but you can't get them released on video
these days. Wish I knew what to advise.
Where would you say is the best place to supply the actor's wardrobes;
a chic Hollywood shop, or a secondhand thrift shop?
Since so many of my actresses have dabbled in porn, they all have their
own wardrobe that makes them look like sluts. The remaining outfits I find
myself at thrift stores, but only from the one dollar racks. I'd be more
amused if the women were humiliated by my choices, but they always want the
outfits when the films are done.
Your films seem to be of better quality with each feature. Is that
because of an advancement in budget, or an advancement in technology?
Vice 3 and Good Girls cost the most from the series, the budgets
actually went down for Vice 4-6, (it shows the most in 4, we had to cut alot of
corners to get that one made). Its partly due to technology, but more because I
learn with each film and always try to outdo the previous chapter.
Do you come from old money, or have you worked your way up from
People from old money don't make B-Movies. My family was very poor,
we're talking welfare, and when I was ten I said I'd never grow up to be
I know that some actors will work for little or no money, just for
exposure. You seem to take advantage of that. So where do you find these people?
I advertise in Dramalogue for actors for the smaller roles. For the
leads, I usually have to have seen them in something previously.
What do you have to do to get someone, male or female, to drop trou on
Are you asking how I ask them to get naked? Most of the cast has porn
experience, getting them to keep their clothes on is more effort.
Where do you find such lovely props; The "Just say no to Thugs"
poster, guns, a Mystery Date game in such good condition, a licence plate that says
"SCUZZZ", etc.
My favorite was the Doggie Style Pet Grooming sign, I thought of that
one myself.
"Just say no to Thugs" poster, I made that one myself out of stick on
letters and an old gretting card.
guns, the prop guy supplies them, most of the time they're real and
even though they have blanks in them, you have to be careful
a Mystery Date game in such good condition, that was really hard to
locate, not many copies of it are around. I collect all kinds of things from
the 50's and early 60's and eventually found one. More work was humming the
Mystery Date song from the commerical for my composer who had never heard it
a licence plate that says "SCUZZZ" A friend of mine swiped it off a car in a parking lot
when I was in high school. Even then, I knew it had potential.
While there is no shortage of toplessness in your films, you use
profanity sparingly. Why?
The nudity in my films is always brief, I like to keep the dialogue as
offensive as possible without the bad language, it's more clever that
way. USA Network had to clip all the bad language, so the less I had, the
What are your future plans? It's not my place to say, But I think you
should make a thriller: Pinata Party Massacre.
Not sure what is next right now, my last few scripts didn't get
approval. I would have had fun with Mall Cops or Confessions of a Catholic School
How do you do it?
You probably know better than I do by now.
Any last words, or advice to future film-makers?
Get your money up front or you'll never see it.
Thank you for your time. Is everyone in L.A. as courteous as you?
No one that I know.
If I think of more questions, I'll send them to you.
Whew, don't hurry.
Hope you know how long this took.............Rick